• 29 March 2025, Saturday
Environmental Camps for Conservation Awareness (ECCA)
On the path of Conservation and Better Livelihood

Conservation & Better Livelihood

Biodiversity Conservation

Most parts of the country have a well-established Community Forest with a clearly identified mandate for sustainable management. But the management of Community Forest has loosely incorporated Biodiversity Conservation initiatives in its Guideline and Community Forest User Group’s (CFUG) Operation Plan (OP). Therefore, ECCA adopted a vision to extend its scope in turning the conservation awareness level into real practice through eco-friendly mobilization of Natural Resources by incorporating biodiversity conservation initiatives.

The project built the capacity of concerned government and partner agencies, CFUG and other grassroots level local NGO/CBO to manage sustainable natural resources that will initiate effective conservation of biodiversity through conservation based management of priority species. Building close links between communities, local bodies, government line agencies and concerned stakeholders has further strengthened the conservation of key species by enhancing their capability of protecting, monitoring and mitigating threats to conservation.